Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Tech Tip: Internet Explorer 7 Tool

If you're looking for a tool that can make your use of Internet Explorer 7 even more useful, check out IE7Pro and you'll gain features such as favorites synchronization, proxy toggle, ad blocker, privacy and much more. Since I regularly switch between networks at the office and at customer locations, I find the proxy switch tool useful. It will remember the proxy settings for multiple locations making it easier to switch between them. I also love the favorites synchronization as I have 2 laptops (one for work, one for home) and a desktop. I never have to worry about where I bookmarked something as I always have my bookmarks with me. One tip about this feature is that it will only synchronize the bookmarks after you close IE7 and all tabs. Oh, and one other feature you'll wonder how you lived without is crash recovery. If Internet Explorer crashes, you'll be able to recover your session with all of the tabs you previously had open without having to go back through your history to remember where you were.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Web Site: MediaMax

MediaMax is a great site for free online storage (up to 25GB). They also have paid options for additional storage. Their free plan offers a limited amount of download bandwidth, however the paid plans significantly increase the download bandwidth. Although they used to offer an unlimited storage plan, they no longer have this option. They have a free tool that allows uploading and downloading to the service. I have found this tool useful but when transferring large quantities of files, it becomes unreliable. The software is in beta, so they are continually improving it. They used to have FTP upload, but that service is temporarily unavailable. FTP upload and download will be returning in the near future. I highly recommend this site, even with the problems mentioned. I have tried many of the online storage services and MediaMax is the best I have found.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Tech Tip: Slow Right-Clicks?

Is your computer acting slowly when you work with files, especially when right-clicking them? If so, you may have too many programs that add custom context menu actions to your system. Programs like WinZip, WinRAR, Mozy, WS_FTP Pro, and dozens more add actions to your right-click menu to make it easier to perform actions on certain types of files. If you have too many of these, your right-click menu may take a few seconds to open. To solve this problem, use the ShellExTool by following this article's link to disable right-click context actions that you no longer need or use.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Tech Tip: Linksys NSLU2

Tip: If you have a Linksys NSLU2 and are attempting to connect an NTFS or FAT32 drive, but area having trouble, make sure to run scandisk or chkdsk on the drive to make sure there are no errors on the disk.

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Web Site: Yodlee OnCenter

This web site allows you to consolidate your bank accounts and credit card statements in one place. No more forgetting your passwords. It's very secure and very convenient!